Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Being Free and Passionate

New piece I am working on for competition
Just read an article from a friend about our "Passions" and the week before she also wrote about "Being Free to be Myself".  Both have reminded me of how important our time is to do what is best for ourselves without being selfish.  Most of my friends are younger than me and I think that while I am not hung up on age, I do see my time becoming more precious, moving faster and more limiting. Recently I had to take a look at how I should use my time to pursue my creative life.  This means I had to bow out of some groups, classes and teaching schedules to concentrate on what I want for me with my art.

I have always loved my quilting, over my years and in my retirement, and I think that really is my 'Passion". Creating art quilts, continued learning of new techniques and entering competitions keeps my mind alert and creating with it every day, even if just for an hour or two.  I love the process of creating my quilts, the fabric shopping, soaring through my stash, figuring the plan of pattern, and the constant changes my mind makes to reach a final piece. All keeps my young!  I am, today, sitting here with a broken foot in a heavy cast I am not allowed to walk on, waiting for my husband to wheel me to my sewing friends group. I  keep rolling around the house picking up the equipment I need to do a day of sewing. It has continued every day, since this has happened, that I go through some quilting process that keeps me moving and active.

As I see people around me, sitting in their homes daily, I feel compassion for them that they do not know the joy of creating and how it keeps your mind active and young.

Enjoy everyday you can, follow your passion and be glad you are alive.